Upcoming Events

12 Sep
12.09.2024 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Club Net via GB3PL

14 Sep
Churches & Chapels on the Air (CHOTA)
14.09.2024 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

S.A.D.A.R.C. 60th Anniversary Special Event Station GB6OSC Report

Unofficial report (by Mark M0WMB) on the day, the proper report will be done by our secretary Marc 2E0INQ

Well a fantastic day and celebration of the 60th anniversary of the club

We did have a technical problem with the tuner, whilst tuning it smoked up, I think due to a misalignment of the selector.

The bands were awful but still managed 50 contacts even one over the pond to the U.S. (unfortunately this does not show on the map).

A very big thank you to Rika (my wife) for doing the refreshments and also Marlene Brian’s wife who helped at lunch time.

Thank you to all that supported us, and a very big thank you to St Ive Church that let us have a free run of the building. We were able to donate to St Ive Church for their kindness.

Pictures say more than words, so I will share some photos.

On a personal note note I would like to thank Marc 2E0INQ who supported me whilst my anxiety kicked off.

 GB6OSC cake GB6OSC QSO map (missing the QSO to USA)  2E0INQ rigging antennas from church tower M0WMB rigging antennas from church tower Antenna Club members Club members & helpers Nasty smell of smoke - fried tuner 

Snippets from the 2023 A.G.M.

  • At the November A.G.M., it was agreed to increase Adult Subscription Fees for S.A.D.A.R.C. to £20-00 to try to offset rising costs.
  • New officers for 2023/24 - Mark Chanter M0WMB remains as Chairman, Marc Bramham remains as Secretary, David Baker 2E0EQB remains as Treasurer. See the Committee/Contact page for contact details.

SADARC - Change of meeting night & club net

SADARC meetings will now be on the third Tuesday of each month at the Burraton Community Centre at 7.00pm. Please contact Marc Bramham 2E0INQ at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details. There is a club net run on GB3PL every Thursday night at 7.30pm (other usage of the repeater permitting of course!) with thanks to the repeater keeper.


The Saltash and District Amateur Radio Club (SADARC) was formed in 1964 after some informal meetings of Radio Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners at the QTH of Bob Ellis, G3SN. 

In the past, we have run very successful mobile rallies, and in August 1996, SADARC activated a special event station, GB0HJC, to commemorate the centenary of Captain Sir Henry Jackson's historic radio experiments from HMS Defiance, a torpedo training school moored in the River Lynher at Saltash. He began experimenting in December 1895 and by autumn of 1896 with his transmitter mounted on another vessel, Jackson was receiving signals at a range of 300 yards, making him the first Briton to use radio waves for practical communication. Click here for pictures of Jackson, his radio equipment and HMS Defiance. Despite being in direct competition, Jackson later became a great friend of Guglielmo Marconi.

In 2006, SADARC operated GB200IKB, a special event station to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, within sight of one of his most famous engineering feats - the Royal Albert Railway Bridge, Saltash

After over 40 years of meeting at the Toc H Hall, Saltash, we have needed to move, so SADARC now meets at the Burraton Community Centre (upstairs at rear), Grenfell Avenue, Saltash, at 7.00 p.m. normally on the third Tuesday of each month. (See map for location)

SADARC holds two callsigns, G4GXK and G8SAL, and is affiliated to the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) and the Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society (RNARS).

SADARC has been a member of the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) for over 60 years!